Start by logging into your Facebook Advert Manager.

Open Up the Advert Manager Menu.


Select Pixels from the menu.

You will be prompted with the guide on how to install Facebook's Pixel. Please follow our 'How to add Facebook’s Pixel on ResDiary widget?' step-by-step guide on how to do that.

Once you have the pixel installed and working, navigate to Custom Conversions page.

If you haven't set up any conversions before this is how the page should look like for you.

Click on 'Create Custom Conversion' button.

You will be prompted with this window. 

Select 'URL Contains' from the dropdown.

Type in 'confirmation' for the URL keywords section.

For the Category, it's up to you what you want to select. 'Purchase' seems the most accurate option for us.



Click Next

Click Create.

At first, the ad status will show 'No activity yet' status. 


Once you complete a test booking and see a confirmation page within the ResDiary widget or your restaurant page on portal, the status should update to green. 

Please note that this might take a few hours for facebook to process.


This is it. If you followed all the steps correctly, you should be able to track all actual bookings as conversions on your facebook ad campaign.