Why Upload Menus?
The richer your content the more likely diners will book. Uploading menus allows your free Dish Cult listing to provide all the information a diner may want to browse prior to deciding to book your restaurant instead of another. Upload your menus into key categories in and if you have menu’s in multiple languages these can be tagged and diners are automatically presented with the right version
Business Benefits
- Present diners with all the information to entice them to book your restaurant.
- Provide diners the appropriate language version on DishCult.com.
- Provide links in your ResDiary emails so that all diners have access to the latest menus.
How to Upload Menus
The menus must be a PDF file in order to be uploaded to the diary, no larger than 5MB.
Top Tip: If you receive notification that your file type is too large you can compress your PDF file here
To add a menu to your Dish Cult listing go to settings - venue - venue and Dish Cult listing details - listing menus (using the shortcut to the left or scroll to the foot of the page:
Choose a unique menu name - select menu category - select language > upload the PDF file - the menu URL will auto-generate for you - tick to display online and select to always display or to display for a specific date range - click add then update to save.
How to remove a menu
Go to settings - venue - venue and Dish Cult listing details - listing menus (using the shortcut to the left or scroll to the foot of the page - press the trash/bin icon to delete the menu:
When will my changes be updated?
If your Dish Cult listing is being built from scratch it can take up to 30 minutes to build, if you are updating information on your listing already created the changes will show immediately.
To update your venue image and add additional images to your Dish Cult listing please click here