Perhaps you’ve created a new segment for a special occasion like Valentine’s Day, or you’ve changed your table layout In this guide, you will find information on how to create new tables, edit table numbers or the capacity and how to delete tables that are no longer required.

Table Management - How to create a new table

To create a new table go to settings - table management - tables - select the segment you want to add the table to if applicable - press the blue add button:

Type - Normal 

Number - Add the table number 

Description - Add a description if required (internal use only, your customers will not see this)

Status - Enabled 

Maximum Covers - Maximum cover size of this table

Area - Select the area from the dropdown menu where the table is allocated

Press save

Table Management - How to edit a table

This section will guide you on how to edit the table number, change the cover size and change the area the table is allocated to.

To edit a table go to settings - table management - tables - select the segment you want to edit the table in if applicable - press edit against the table you want to edit:

Number - Change the number/letter in the number field

Maximum covers - Change the number in the covers size field

Area - Change the area in the dropdown menu

Table Management - How to delete/disable a table

This section will guide you on how to delete or disable a table. You may want to disable a table which removes the table from your diary view however will still be available in the back-end settings to enable at any point or you may want to delete the table completely.

Please note the diary will not allow you to delete a table if you have future bookings allocated to that table, any future bookings will need to be allocated to an alternative table first. If you disable a table any future bookings on those tables will be unallocated. You will need to reallocate those bookings to new tables. Please find the unallocated bookings guide here.

To edit a table go to settings - table management - tables - select the segment you want to delete/disable the table in if applicable - press edit against the table you want to edit:

To Delete - Press delete

To Disable - Type - Select disable from the drop-down menu