The customer list report provides the facility to view customers in your database, if you are part of a group, you can view your entire shared database across all diaries.
PLEASE NOTE: You can NOT pull a customer list per diary if part of a group
The customer list allows you to:
- Export the data
- Delete a customer's profile
- Merge duplicate profiles
- Edit the customer's profile
- View the booking history of a customer
- View the marketing history (when they opted in/out)
To view the new customer list, go to reports - customer reports - new customer list beta version
On the report, far right you can filter what you want to report on.
You have the option to search for existing customers details if you want to search for a particular profile using their surname, first name, phone number, email address or company name.
Next you can view by date type either all dates, visit date, booking made date or date registered.
There are preset date ranges added for yesterday, last week, last month and last year, there is also the option to add your own custom date range by selecting more.
Next you have the option to add a filter, the filter options are by blocked status yes or no, to filter by delete requested, Has customer comments and by VIP status. You do not need to add a filter:
Here you can also set how many profiles to show on one page:

Lastly to view the report press run report or you can save the report to come back to at a later date:

Once you have run the run report it will look like below, I have included extra columns in this example.
Top right you have the option to export or print the report.
You can also rearrange the columns by pressing on the header and dragging them to where you want it to be placed:
Against each profile, in the first column you will notice an arrow, by pressing the arrow allows you to view:
- Total bookings for this customers profile
- The option to view the booking history
- The option to view the marketing history
- The customers ID number
- The date the customer was registered in your diary
The tick box against each profile in the first column allows you to merge duplicate customer profiles or delete profiles.
Simply tick the profiles you want to merge together or delete, and the pop up will appear at the bottom asking if you want to merge or delete these profiles:
If you select merge, you will be brought to the below page, this page asks which profile you want to keep, tick the box of the one you want to keep then press merge:
The actions column gives you the options to edit the customers profile details or to delete the profile.
PLEASE NOTE: You can NOT delete a customer who has a future booking.