Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this problem - we recently encountered an issue when embedding the resDiary widgets into our site (wordpress/elementor CMS) this was due to missing functions / conflicting functions with our website script and resDiary script. It was somewhat of a work-around, however we fixed this via embedding the widget into a standalone html page (with a bit of javascript recording the document height) then embeding this page as an iframe and re-sizing the window height dynamically using javascript. Code below (not tidy!):
Stand-alone HTML page (to embed to iframe):
<html> <head> </head> <body> <div id="rd-widget-frame" style="max-width: 600px; margin: auto;"></div> <input id="rdwidgeturl" name="rdwidgeturl" value="" type="hidden"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => parent.FrameSize(document.getElementById("rd-widget-frame").clientHeight) ) const bodyObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => parent.FrameSize(document.body.scrollHeight) ) function resizeFrame(){ parent.FrameSize(document.body.scrollHeight) } // start observing a DOM node resizeObserver.observe(document.getElementById("rd-widget-frame")) bodyObserver.observe(document.body) document.body.addEventListener("click", parent.FrameSize(document.body.scrollHeight)); </script> </body> </html>
script for parent page (insert where you would usually drop the standard embed code):
<script type="text/javascript"> function FrameSize(sof){ document.getElementById("ResDiary").style.height=(sof+1)+"px"; } </script> <iframe scrolling="no" src="path to standalone HTML page here" id="ResDiary"></iframe>
Hope this helps someone!
OK, I have got it working on our Wordpress site. Not easy.
1st you need to install a plugin called WP Custom HTML Pages. Then you create a basic HTML page with the code from ResDiary pasted into the BODY of it.
2nd you need to install a plugin called iframe (Simple).
3rd Inside your code block you put the iframe shortcode that points to your HTML page that you created before.
Had the same issue Francesca - did you find a solution?
Francesca Truss