We'd love for you to consider developing another step when booking promotions, allowing customers to enter a unique promotional code to unlock specific deals when booking through resdiary.
This will mean our we will get advance notice of how many bookings are taking up a special offer/promotion, instead of relying on customers to add this into their booking comments.
Thank you!
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Amanda Dougans
a dit
presque 4 ans il y a
We would REALLY love this for our hotels too please!
Danielle Barton
Hi There,
We'd love for you to consider developing another step when booking promotions, allowing customers to enter a unique promotional code to unlock specific deals when booking through resdiary.
This will mean our we will get advance notice of how many bookings are taking up a special offer/promotion, instead of relying on customers to add this into their booking comments.
Thank you!
1 personne aime cette idée