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Widget auto-filling member details/SSO


We would like the Widget configurator to be able to identify the currently logged in member, via Single Sign On or receiving the member id.  



Hi Ewan,

Not pre-populate but actually for the widget to know who the member is from the website/page.

The member would have already logged into the website to access the dining booking page with the widget on.

The member would already have a customer profile in ResDiary.



Hi Ewan,

The scenario we would need would be...

The member would already created in ResDiary as a customer.

The website would know who the member was as they would have already logged in to be able to access a dining booking page with the widget on.

Therefore the widget would need to be passed the customers identity from the website so that the member did not have to fill out their details again.

The above may be fairly simple and this might not be relevant but I just want to mention that all of our systems will be using SAML 2.0 Single Sign On to authenticate against Salesforce by May 2019 .


Mark Balogh

Hi Mark,

We have a fair few projects coming up that relate to our custom widget design tool.

Our primary focus is on making the embed code more foolproof and to work on the issues which we have experienced with some web platforms.

Once this is completed, we will be looking to add some improvements that have been requested to improve the overall functionality.

Can you confirm if your specific request is to allow the booking widget to better interact with your member page and pre-populate guest details?

If so, then I can add this to the list of improvements.

Kind regards,


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