Settings - Table Management - Manage Bookings By Channel

Note: This setting only applies to ONLINE channels and not internal 

Manage Bookings by Channel is used to control the number of covers and/or bookings you accept from various different online channels. This feature allows a restaurant to continue to accept bookings via some channels for example your own website, while closing availability for other channels for example Dish Cult powered by ResDiary. 

Business Benefits

  • Ensure that 'paid for' bookings are only accepted on days-services that require an additional revenue lift.
  • Ensure that you are not paying for bookings when you do not need to because you will be full via free channels.
  • Target your marketing expenditure with 100% precision by using this feature with Manage Booking Channels

Table Management - How to manage booking by channels

Go to settings - table management - manage bookings by channels - select the segment to alter if applicable:

Example - Below we have an active online restriction by covers, you can also have simultaneous restrictions by bookings.

Let's take a further look as to what this is

Example - Here you can see we have 100 at brunch, 100 at lunch and 50 at dinner, this means through all your online bookings 100 can be booked at brunch and lunch and 50 online covers can be booked for dinner service.

To add a restriction to a specific channel press add restriction:


Choose which Channel you want to add the restriction to from the drop-down menu and select the type as either covers or bookings:

Add in your restrictions, this can also vary by day (see dinner for Thursday, Friday and Saturday)

This feature allows you to accept bookings from online sources while restricting others.