Please note: this setup is only for the old 'Front End - Widget'. For the new 'Widget Configurator' setup go here.

1. Set up Google Analytics tracking.

First, you'll need your Google Analytics Tracking ID.

To get your Tracking ID, go to -> select the account you want to track -> Admin -> Tracking Info -> Tracking Code.


Copy the UA-XXXXXX-XX code.

Now, this code needs to be added to your diary tracking.

Navigate to your Diary -> Settings > Reservations > Widget and Portal Tracking 

Make sure Tracking type is set to Analytics.

Paste your Tracking ID and click Save.

2. How to check if the data is coming into your analytics account?

Go to -> select the account you just used for the Diary settings -> Real Time -> Overview

This view, as the name implies, shows real-time data coming into your google analytics. 

To test it out, go to your widget and try navigating through a few steps. Then, go back to the Real Time view and some data should start to show up including pages like CheckAvailability.aspx, SelectAvailability.aspx and similar.


3. Set up a Goal Funnel on Google Analytics.

This can be done by opening Google Analytics -> Admin -> Goals -> click on the "+New Goal" button -> Set up the goal as in the image below.

Please note: if you don't have any promotions on the widget, do not include "Booking - Step 2".


Save your newly created Goal.

4. How to check the results?

Option 1:

If you are interested in the Funnel visualization option, 

navigate to Google Analytics -> Reporting -> Acquisition -> All Traffic -> Channels view and Select your goal on the Conversions box.

Give it a few days for the Funnel Visualisation page to be populated and it should look something like this:

Please note: Step 1 is counted for anyone who opens the page with the widget and not someone who starts the bookings process. To solve this, you can start tracking from Step 2/3.

Option 2:

If you want to check the sources of your bookings, 

navigate to Acquisition -> All Traffic -> Channels view and Select your goal on the Conversions box.

Please note: cross-domain tracking must be enabled before you can see the correct sources. In order to do that, the recommendation is to switch to Google Tag Manager. Please follow our GTM tutorial to do that. 

You'll be able to see all the sources of traffic: