It is important to add an unsubscribe link to your campaigns as it can result in getting black listed (your emails get automatically spammed) if you do not provide an unsubscribe link or angry customers.

Promote - customer contact - manage templates

Edit/create the template

Copy the token {UNSUBSCRIBE_URL} 

A line of text to your template something like 'If you wish to unsubscribe from our mailing list please click here'

Select/highlight the word unsubscribe

Click on the link symbol in the toolbar

This will bring up the link properties. Set the information exactly like below:

  • Link Type = URL
  • Protocol = <other>

Press OK

Repeat for {MARKETING_PREFERENCES_URL} if you have this line of text added.

Remember to press to save your changes!

Please note: The unsubscribe link will NOT work until the campaign email is sent as it need the customer's profile to generate a URL