Promote - Promotions

Within a promotion you can restrict to the minimum or max cover size that can book on that promotion or you can restrict how many covers can book on that specific promotion. 

In the image below, number 1 is the party size limit and number 2 is the total covers limit

Important Note: When a party size or a total covers limit is added and that limit is exceeded or a booking does not meet the party size requirements, customers may still be able to make a booking on Standard Availability (ie. not attached to the promotion) 

To prevent this you may need a Standard Availability blocker (please ask the Support Team to help you with this by emailing


1. Number of People (party size) 

Where you can set a maximum, minimum or exact number of people that needs to be selected before the promotion can be booked

  • Don't Care = No preference
  • Matches = ONLY x covers allowed
  • At Most = The maximum covers allowed
  • At Least = The minimum covers allowed

2. Total Covers

This is the total number of people that can book that promotion on a certain day, you can set a limit for the whole day or per service (eg. lunch or dinner)

  • No Limit = No preference on how many sold
  • Per Day = X total covers allowed per day
  • Per Service = X total covers allowed per service