Settings - Pre-Orders

There are two ways to attach a pre-order menu to a booking. 

Through the booking process

Within the booking process you can manually select any menu from your pre-orders menu list that you wish to send to the customer see below:

You will then have the option to send the menu to the customer as a pre-order or order at table. For more information on order at table please click here

Once you select the pre-order option you just require to complete the booking and the customer will be sent a email to submit their pre-order menu.  

Note: you can set your diary up to send out pre-order reminder emails. To learn more about this please click here

Attached to a promotion.

You can attach a pre-order to a promotion, so every time that particular promotion is selected the pre-order will be attached by default.

For details of how to create Promotions click here.

Within the Menu tab in promotions you will be able to select the appropriate pre-order menu from the drop down.

All bookings with pre-orders attached will display a pre-order icon, which will reflect if the order is complete or incomplete.