To create a booking in ResDiary Plus its so easy. If you are not too sure where and when you are wanting to make a booking you can go through our Book Now process.
Click on the 'Book Now' Button highlighted below
Once you have clicked on the Book Now Button it will bring up the booking process.
Choose your date by clicking on the date you would like, The diary will automatically select the day that you are on at that time:
Select your party size - Please note that if you need to have a party size more than 20 people then you can enter this in the 'Enter Party Size (100)' in the box at the bottom:
Choose your Promotion & Time Slot for the booking
Enter the customers details by entering their details in the box provided. If the guest has been before you can start to enter their details and it will pull through their information. If you enter a first name then a surname and press 'New Guest' This will automatically prepopulate onto the next page:
Enter any further information you want to add to the booking
Once the booking has been made you will see a message on top of your screen