Once you have sent your marketing campaign you can view how many were delivered, how many opened the email and how many click-through the email.

You can only view this data, when creating the email marketing template, you added the {COUNTER} token to the foot of the email:

Customer Contact - Sent Messages

Go to promote - customer contact - marketing emails report (beta version)

On the right you can filter what you want to report on, by venue, by sent date range, you can also add additional columns to the reports or remove columns by pressing edit columns you see and their order:

Once you run the report it will show the campaigns sent out from the diary and give you a breakdown of each one of how many were on the marketing list, how many were delivered, how many opened the email and how many clicked through. 

You also export and print the report.

In the actions column you can view the details of each list individually and can also view the email sent using the icons below: