Hi Ewan,
Is there any update on Paul's request as some of our hotel's restaurant also looking for same kind of indication/message that appear on the fully booked time slot to the guest so that they can select another available booking time. It also helps the restaurants to check the demand and urgency for people to book, and if they see that other time slots are booked out it will encourage them to book sooner for the restaurant.
Please let us know if this is possible in ResDiary or there is something in the development process for this.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Hi Paul,
At present we pull through the times that are available only and this does help to some extent in pushing customers to earlier 'Off peak' time slots. I can however see the issue where the customer will continue to phone you if they cannot find the time that they would like to book.
As there will be some customers who would prefer these times to not show then a compromise may need to be made or a toggle made available to you for unavailable/fully booked times to show in grey/strikethrough.
If there is any change to the current behaviour I will let you know.
Thanks for the feedback,
It would be very useful to show guests when selecting a booking time which time slots are already full. This would help as i believe that some guests find it confusing when the time they want doesn't appear, resulting in them phoning the hotel to ask if it is possible to book at that time when we would rather they can see a clear indication that there preferred time of 8pm say is full and to please select another booking time. I hope that makes sense.
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