I find this request essential! In order to immediately have an eye on the weekly/monthly planning
This is a request from our team too. It would be a great help to have a calendar view option for events. At the moment we're still noting event bookings onto a wall planner for quick availability reference, not ideal.
This would be a great feature. You can see total bookings in a calendar, though this can be done in the Bookings Report, having it in a calendar view will be easy on the eyes.
Or simply create another view (table plan, grid, running order, monthly planner)
Any easy enhancement code be to modify the calendar date selector drop down so that it only shows 1 month (instead of 2), and make it bigger so that you can include a total covers for each day on the calendar
Definitely some value in this suggestion.. it would be awesome to see a monthly view displaying total covers for each service each day so you can see at a glance to assist with planning HR etc
Judika Ramcharand
Would be great to have a calendar view, monthly or weekly, which shows upcoming bookings for the week, as well as events, as if you are looking a paper calendar so when a client is looking to book a function, you can easily, clearly and immediately see what is available. Thanks!
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