What is an Incomplete booking?

An incomplete booking is a booking that was 99% of the way made but failed at the last hurdle. Bookings go incomplete for one of three reasons:

1 - An internal booking is being made, all details have been added, and all that is left to do is click complete, however, the user selects cancel instead or exits the booking without saving. This booking will be marked as incomplete. 

2 - A booking is made internally and the booking requires card details or a deposit to secure it. The venue then triggers this request to the customers via a secure landing page email. Customers will have a set amount of time to provide the card details/ payment. An hour before this time frame is up, the customer will be sent a reminder email.

If the customer then ignores this email, they will be sent a cancellation email and the booking will be removed from your diary and placed in the incomplete list.

3 - A customer began the booking process through Dishcult but the customer has given up before they entered their card details.

Technically within ResDiary we need to create a booking to receive the card or payment token from Stripe (or any other payment gateway). We create these bookings in an incomplete state ie: not rendered on the diary but within the database. When a credit card or deposit is submitted/paid the booking is completed and placed on a table in the diary. In some cases, the card/deposit is never submitted and these are referred to as 'incomplete bookings'.

Please Note: The customer will not receive confirmation of an incomplete booking. Email and SMS confirmations are only sent once the booking is confirmed with the deposit or card submission.

Reports - Incomplete Bookings

To locate your incomplete booking go to reports - booking reports - incomplete booking - click all upcoming on the right-hand side to view all upcoming incomplete bookings.

To view incomplete for a date range click add report - keep as visit date and enter date range - click run report.

Incomplete Booking Alerts & The Dashboard

This alerts users to the creation of incomplete bookings on the diary and directs users to the dashboard to manage incomplete bookings.

If you wish to turn off the incomplete booking alert, please view the guide 