Table rankings are used to tell ResDiary which order to use tables when bookings are made. They help the diary to seat tables in the same order management would ensuring maximum use of your space.

ResDiary will, for example, always place a booking for 2 on a table for 2 if one is available but table rankings are used to determine which table for 2 is used first.

Table rankings also allows a table to be completely removed from the availability search.

Business Benefits

Increase covers by saving tables that join so that you can always accept larger parties.

Increase customer satisfaction by ensuring less desirable tables are sat last.

Always have a VIP table available for when you need it.

Table Management - Table Rankings

To arrange your table rankings go to settings - table management - table rankings - select the segment if applicable:

1. Select a service to set up table rankings for.

2. Select table size to rank.

3. Drag and drop tables to rank them.  ResDiary will use the table at the top first and then work down the list.

4. Unticked tables are removed from the diary for that service.  An example of when you may want to use this feature would be if you had a live band playing every Friday night and you had to physically remove tables to make space for them. You know these tables are not going to be available therefore don't want them to show on the diary.

5. Once rankings have been set for one service they can be copied over to others.

6. Remember to save your settings.