Manager user types allow management full access to the diary.
Manager access
Includes the following administrator privileges:
- Export Customer and Marketing Lists
- Export Reports including Customer Details
- Ignore rules in the booking process
- Allow cancellation of bookings
- Allow closeouts from diary
- Allow "Phantom" tables in the booking process
- Ignore "Max number of covers/bookings per time interval " value
- Allow booking duration to be extended on the fly
- Allow to lock/unlock bookings to tables
- Allow blocking/unblocking of Customers
- Allow to reserve complete area
- Allow to skip authorisations and take deposit outstanding
- Allow to change deposit amount
- Ignore rules in the booking process on current day only
- Ignore "Max number of covers/bookings per time interval" value on current day only
- Allow to charge credit cards
- Allow to override close-outs
- Allow to book for less than the minimum duration
- Allow to unallocate bookings on current day only
- Allow to unallocate bookings
- Allow to override table/join capacity
- Allow to override table/join capacity on current day only
- Manage Function Sheets
- Manage Sections & Servers
Includes the following menu items:
- Booking report
- Restaurant Details
- Booking Codes (Special Requests)
- Booking Extras
- Booking List
- Reasons for Booking
- Bulk Table Close-outs
- Cancellation types
- Close-outs
- Customer Codes (Interests)
- Customer List
- Customer Types
- Deposit
- Large Party Booking Types
- Messages
- Promotions
- Restaurant Areas
- Restaurant Tables
- Rules
- Segments
- Services
- T & Cs
- Table Joins
- Table Rankings
- Create GDPR Compliance Email
- Create Message
- Manage Marketing List
- Manage Templates
- Privacy Settings
- Scheduled Messages
- Sent Messages
- SMS Messaging
- 3rd Party Bookers Report
- Arrivals Summary
- Booking Extras Report
- Booking Source
- Bookings Confirmed
- Bookings Incomplete
- Cancellation Report
- Walk In Report
- Customer Registration
- Customer Report
- Deposits Report
- Feedback Report
- Lead Time Report
- Notification Report
- Orphaned Bookings Report
- Promotions and Menus
- Revenue Report
- Setup Changes Audit
- Special Offers Report
- User Activity
- Image Browser
- Settings
- Custom Fields
- Interface Settings
- New Booking Process Payment Settings
- Payments Settings
- Reports Settings
- Stripe Settings
- Unallocate Bookings Settings
- W8List Settings
- Yield Manage Bookings by Channel
- Security
- Groups
- Ip Addresses
- Password
- Security Policy
- Users
- Search Availability
- Daily Summary
- Register Customer
- Mobile App
- Table Plan Editor
- DishCult Listing
- Manage Private Booking Channels
- Reviews Widget
- Dashboard
- Widget Configurator
- Notification Settings