Before you begin, ensure you have a Stripe account and it's connected to ResDiary. Find out how to do this here. 

Step 1 | Create a Promotion

To set up a prepayment, first set up a promotion. 

You can do this in Promote > Promotions > Add New

See this guide on how to create a basic promotion

Step 2 | Create a Deposit

Then set up a deposit: 

  • Go to Settings > Deposits

  • Ensure the deposit is enabled and give it a description

  • Attach to promotion: match with the promotion you’ve just created 

  • Add an amount and choose whether that’s per cover or per booking

  • Click Add

Press Update

Step 3 | Test!

Check if it works by making a test booking. Don’t worry you don’t have to complete it. Just get to the step below where it warns you of the charges.