The W8List allows you to handle walk-ins at peak times. It will cleverly allocate walk-ins, avoiding conflict with pre-booked reservations. 

To add a guest to the W8list, click on the 'Q' button, enter the time quoted to the guest, enter their details, then 'Complete'. 

The diner will appear on the W8List, where you can perform a number of actions:

  • Edit W8List booking
  • Send message to guest informing them their table is ready
  • Seat walk-in
  • Convert to a booking

The system can alert customers when a table is ready, and give diners a chance to accept their table. These notifications are customizable which you can arrange by emailing, and the restaurant can choose whether they are sent via SMS or email within W8List Settings.

NOTE: You can only send notifications by SMS if you have the SMS feature added to your package which you can sign up for here

W8List Settings

To choose or adjust how you would like to send notifications to diners go to :

  • Settings 
  • W8List Settings

Here you can choose either SMS or Email notifications, and the number of minutes before the booking gets automatically marked as a No Reply/No Show. 

Staff will also receive alerts in the booking window when W8List is in operation to ensure waitlist bookings aren't overlooked for new walk-ins see below: